Wednesday, July 15, 2009


i went outside .. well to the kitchen to get something to eat
i wasnt in the mood for much so i just got a piece of symphony bar
there was no milk... well there was soy milk but i think it sucks because of the word soy haha so i just got orange juice
anyway during that time i was thinking about like love and obviously options

what is love?
no idea
what is like?
a feeling you get when you when your interested and fluttered as i say by the person
fluttered, not flattered

im still confused on where i am and who i am and why i am etc. i dont want to rush into any relationships because i havent really had any genuine crushes since well, ethel
others were either forced or by curiosity

anyway i get easily sidetracked speaking of which i should REALLY start my summer assignments but yeah . back to the topic

how exactly do you know you've actually found the one. there's what.. 6 billion people out there and we limit ourselves to a few thousands. why?
location, stereotype, age, embarrassment, social limits, gender, heritage

we all set our limits and everyone else sets it for us.
-whose to say you'll find love in the city your at? we're LIMITED.
there could be a person somewhere in Denver that 100 times better fit but we might not be able to meet them
-there could be someone that just... gets you but their your sex?
why hold yourself back if you know your interested.. scared of what people might think. then again who isn't?
keeping yourself from happiness only makes it less likely you'll find the riight.. right person
-that person knows you well, you know them well, and have fun together. problem: ugly
looks only go so far. that's probably the primary source of attraction but how good is a relationship where looking at eachother is the only form of excitement you get

there's millions of other obstacles and standards we each have and we never really open our eyes to what's out there. i'm not afraid to admit i'm this way but i just don't want to end up in a relationship thats bound to be awkward,fake, and most of all i don't want to hurt anyone or waste their time :]


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